Saturday, June 23, 2007

The reality of farming

Yes, a bit different to the Australian summer email I sent. If you can't make it out the ground is whiter than and Englishmans lilly white legs!
A quick trip to the farm to check on the asset, but it seems that our assets have been frozen, mine certainly were! imagine getting out of the spa in this weather. Ben Johnson would have been proud, and with the amount of steroids he took there would have been other similarities.
little man is in fine form, worked out that slapping someone in the face with cold hands is a successfully way of removing someone from slumber. Will now take him to feed the chooks etc...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Still Learning

Ooops I need to work on flipping photos. Lachy's 3rd Birthday cake at the farm on longweekend. 1kg of chocolate wnet into making it!!! A cake for the adults really, but he loved the green spider.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Initial sightings

The rumour of a new blog has circulted, unconfirmed reports of a new network of information flow has appeard in the international world of data transfer. The suggested creator, a mild mannered however extremely handsome man has hushed claims saying "no I'm not that handsome" and "the swans are just byding their time" followed by " I should say words I know I can definately spell - who says byding anyway?"

The source of information maybe infrequent but the channel has been opened - stay tuned incase something pops!!!